Ready to learn how to make the perfect pencil for back to school? These cute treats are so easy to make.

Gather Your Supplies
- Chocolate Chips or Raisins
- Popcorn
- Goldfish or Similar Crackers
- Hershey Kisses
- Pink Starbursts
- Icing Bags
- Ribbon

Step 1:
Start by adding 4-5 chocolate chips or raisins to the icing bag to create the “lead” of the pencil.

Step 2:
Add 3-4 pieces of popcorn on top of the chocolate chips/raisins to create the exposed wood of the pencil.

Step 3:
Fill the bulk of the icing bag with Goldfish Crackers. This creates the painted portion of the pencil.

If you need a gluten-free option, I found these crackers called Pop Mmms.

Step 4:
Add 7-8 Hershey Kisses on top of the crackers to create the metal band that holds the pencil eraser.

Step 5:
Finally add 9-10 pink Starbursts to create the eraser portion of your pencil.

Step 6:
Tie your “pencil” closed with some ribbon or twine. Add a tag too, if you’d like.

Here I have both a gluten and a gluten-free pencil. It’s easy enough to create either version. And in no time at all you’ll have the perfect pencil for back to school.