Kindergarten Acrylic & Crayon on Canvas Masterpiece



Last week was a blur of activity!  It was tough to return to our regular routine of things after my kids’ Spring Break.  But to make it even tougher, it was the final push to prepare for our school’s 2nd Annual Walk-a-thon and Silent Auction.



As a fun donation for the Silent Auction, I helped both Kinder classes make a fabulous acrylic painting complete with melted green crayons for the grass (a bit tricky to compile enough green crayons–but we did it!)



It was fun to mix varying shades of green–made for a great mixture of melted crayon!  And to add even more depth and dimension to the project, I had the kids glue some flower seeds to the centers of their painted flowers (Liquid Glass came in super handy for this!)



And last, but not least, I had the kids all sign the masterpiece along the edges (and I even included a little key on the backside of who painted what part of the picture.)  All-in-all, a successful endeavor as the two masterpieces brought in 4x the money it cost to make them!  Hurray for helping the school. 🙂

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