CTMH Skeleton No Tricks Just Treats Card

Skeleton No Tricks Just Treats Card

CTMH Skeleton No Tricks Just Treats Card

Today is officially 3 weeks until Halloween and today’s Skeleton No Tricks Just Treats Card is the perfect card to create to celebrate. The card uses both the Fa-BOO-lous Paper Collection and the Fa-BOO-lous Stamp + Thin Cuts. This collection is SO fun to create with!

CTMH Fa-BOO-lous Paper Collection
CTMH Fa-BOO-lous Stamp + Thin Cuts

And since today is Make It Monday, you know I’m going to share the Card Sketch with you, right? 🙂

October 10, 2022 SunnyDay Memories Card Sketch

And here are the supplies I used to create my card:





If you haven’t had a chance yet to do your Halloween crafting–now is a great time to do so! Whether it’s special treats or some handmade cards, the Fa-BOO-lous Collection from Close To My Heart is so fun. You, too, could create a Skeleton No Tricks Just Treats Card (or treat holder!)

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