Born to Shine Virtual Event Supplies

Born to Shine Virtual Event

CTMH Born to Shine Kids Craft Album Kit

We are so excited about our CTMH Kids Crafts Born to Shine Virtual Event tomorrow starting at 4:30 pm MT. The event is being held on Close To My Heart’s Facebook Page.

Born to Shine Virtual Event Supplies

In addition to your Born to Shine Kit, you will want to have the following on hand:

12” trimmer
-Post-it notes or scrap paper to number for the projects as we create them
-Pen to journal with
Stamp Shammy, baby wipes or wet paper towel to clean stamps with
-9 Photos
-Scrap paper
-The Picture My Life cards we are using from the kit (we have shown the exact ones in the photo above)

If you don’t have your Born to Shine Kit yet, don’t worry! You can still join us and then re-watch the video once you receive your kit. This Born to Shine Virtual Event is going to be so much fun!

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