It’s Christmas Card Time

CTMH November SOTM Magic of the Season Card

Today I have a friendly reminder for you–it’s Christmas Card time. If you haven’t started creating your cards for this year yet, now is the time. Today’s card is a perfect card for mass producing. Not only does it have a truly elegant look to it, it’s simple enough to create. It’s minimal stamping–which is … Read more It’s Christmas Card Time

A Simple Christmas Card Design

A Simple Christmas Card Design

For today’s Make It Monday I wanted to share a simple Christmas Card design. Now is a great time to start working on your holiday cards. And when you use a simple design, like I’ve done, it can make it go much smoother. Instead of using the Christmas Story Paper Collection–which clearly is for the … Read more A Simple Christmas Card Design

12 Weeks of Christmas Projects

Comfort & Joy Christmas Card

It’s only 1 hour until the start of 12 Weeks of Christmas Projects. The first project of my Annual 12 Weeks of Christmas will be emailed out soon. It’s your absolute last chance to get in on the fun. We’ll be starting the 12 Weeks of Christmas with card ideas. You’ll get a total of … Read more 12 Weeks of Christmas Projects

Free Christmas Project Tutorials

Handmade Merry Christmas Card

Okay who’s ready for some FREE Christmas Project Tutorials?? It’s less than 24 hours until my Annual 12 Weeks of Christmas begins. It’s so exciting! These 12 Christmas Project Tutorials are only for mailing list subscribers. Are you on my newsletter list? If not, now is the time to get on there! It’s easy to … Read more Free Christmas Project Tutorials

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