Free Stories I Love Class

CTMH Stories I Love Kit

I wanted to invite you (or remind you if you were already planning to attend) to a FREE Stories I Love Class today. That’s right Stacy Julian will be teaching a free class today over on the Close To My Heart Facebook Page. The fun begins today at 1PM (Pacific.) She’s going to share about … Read more Free Stories I Love Class

Close To My Heart’s National Scrapbooking Day Celebration

CTMH National Scrapbooking Day Celebration

It’s only 1 week until Close To My Heart’s National Scrapbooking Day Celebration and I can’t wait! Are you joining us? I sure hope so. It’s hard to believe it was a month ago we announced our intent to have this creative celebration. Now it’s almost here. In fact, just a few days ago, CTMH … Read more Close To My Heart’s National Scrapbooking Day Celebration

First-ever FREE VIP Event

CTMH Some Kind of Wonderful Card

Tomorrow is the first-ever FREE VIP Event hosted by Close To My Heart. I’m so excited! I first shared about this exclusive event last month. The projects they designed for VIPs to create look fabulous. These amazing layouts and cards are all created with an exclusive VIP product bundle only available to–you guessed it–VIPs. Unlike … Read more First-ever FREE VIP Event

New Create with Kristina Virtual Class

Create with Kristina Virtual Class

I’m so excited to announce my new Create with Kristina Virtual Class. As I’ve been tweaking how I used to run my in-person classes due to the pandemic and thinking how to best provide creative inspiration in a virtual class setting, I came up with an idea that I think will be a perfect blend … Read more New Create with Kristina Virtual Class

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