CTMH Trick or Treat Skeleton Card

Trick or Treat Skeleton Card

CTMH Trick or Treat Skeleton Card

As we head into the weekend and the final days to create for Halloween, I wanted to share my fun Trick or Treat Skeleton Card. This card showcases the Fa-BOO-lous Stamp Set so well. You get several images all put together in a fun way.

CTMH Fa-BOO-lous Stamp + Thin Cuts

From the first time I used this stamp set, I loved that the skeleton is in 2 parts. This makes it easy to have him popping out of the pumpkin as I did for today’s card. Plus, the fact that there are slits by his arms makes it so easy for him to hold on to whatever you are affixing him to. It’s like a bonus you don’t expect but love!

CTMH Fa-BOO-lous Paper Colleciton

While I love the whimsical feel of the Fa-BOO-lous Paper Collection, I really enjoyed using Avocado, Nectarine, and Grape on today’s card. I hope you find some time this weekend to do some crafting. Perhaps some last minute Halloween crafting! Realizing how few days there are until Halloween is what inspired my Trick or Treat Skeleton Card for today.

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