Story by Stacy Story Starter Kit

Story Starter by Stacy Julian

If you haven’t checked it out yet, now is the time!  Stacy Julian’s first product in her Story by Stacy line with Close To My Heart is awesome.  Watch this quick video to see just how easy it can be to turn your memories into treasured stories following the step-by-step instructions in the Story Starter … Read more Story by Stacy Story Starter Kit

Story by Stacy–Stacy Julian’s Story Starter

Story Starter by Stacy Julian

Story by Stacy

Have you heard the buzz about Stacy Julian’s *NEW* product line?  It’s called Story by Stacy.  Story by Stacy™ is a collaboration between Close To My Heart and Stacy Julian on a line of story-based products designed to teach you how to create authentic, personal stories with your memories.

Read moreStory by Stacy–Stacy Julian’s Story Starter

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