CTMH Where the Heart Is Corner Bookmark

Perk of Being a Close To My Heart Consultant

Close To My Heart 2020 Virtual Convention

Today I wanted to share a very significant perk of being a Close To My Heart Consultant. Community. Today is a very exciting day for CTMH Consultants all over the world. Later today we will be having a Virtual Convention. New product will be unveiled from not just one catalog, but two! Yes, you read that correctly. There will be two *NEW* Close To My Heart Catalogs coming out in September. First, our *NEW* 2020-2021 Core Catalog. Second, the September-October Catalog. So exciting, right?!

Preparing CTMH T-shirt

For weeks now, Consultants have been anxiously awaiting this day. Usually we have an in-person Convention full of lots of rituals like card swapping, roomie gifts, donning our CTMH logo apparel and the like. Well, just because we’re going virtual this year due to the pandemic doesn’t mean we can’t still enjoy all these fun rituals, right? Last night, I made up my own custom logo wear for the event (so last minute, right?!? Such is my life! LOL)

CTMH Where the Heart Is T-shirt

Consultants everywhere have been making up their own logo wear and sharing it on our Private FB Group. It’s been wonderful seeing all the creativity–from t-shirts to mugs and so much more. So fun.

CTMH Where the Heart Is Cup

Now let’s not forget the roomie gifts! This fun tradition is so perfect for us crafters. Our moment to shine. My sister-in-law and I decided that even though we wouldn’t get to room together this year for Convention, we could still send each other some roomie gifts. I absolutely LOVE this cup she made me. Not only does it have this years theme/logo on it, but it has a huge sunflower–I LOVE sunflowers!! I’ll definitely be using this today during the event!

Pineapple Hi-Chews

My sunflower cup was completely filled with Pineapple Hi-Chews. YUM. I am in heaven. I love these candies. And they are not easy to come by. You can sometimes find them in a blended pack with Kiwi and Mango–so you get like 4 pineapple Hi-Chews. But now I have a whole BUNCH of these tasty treats.

CTMH Where the Heart Is Corner Bookmark
CTMH Where the Heart Is Corner Bookmark Backside

While I wouldn’t be able to get the true experience of all the excitement of mobs of crafters doing card swaps at Convention, I decided to make some handmade cards for my team members participating in this Virtual Convention. I made up corner bookmarks with the logo and of course our super popular Sticky Boy on the backside of the bookmark.

Over the years I’ve shared a variety of reasons for becoming a Close To My Heart Consultant. I’ve done blog posts like this one HERE and this one HERE. Each shows that there are so many benefits to being a CTMH Consultant. If you are intrigued and want to learn more, here’s some additional information you can check out HERE. But truly, one of the best perks of becoming a Close To My Heart Consultant is the community and there’s always room for YOU!

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